Welcome to Jiyoung Yoon’s home page

Description: Description: title



Dr. Jiyoung Yoon


Associate Professor

Ph.D. in Spanish Linguistics,

Indiana University


Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures

University of North Texas

1155 Union Circle #311127

Denton, TX 76203


E-mail: jiyoung.yoon@unt.edu

Office phone: (940) 565-3950 / 2404

Fax: (940) 565-2581

Description: Description: globe


Appointments / Professional Experience


Associate Professor of Spanish / Spanish Linguistics (2008-present), Dept. of Foreign Languages and Literatures,

University of North Texas

Co-faculty leader of the Study Abroad Program in Guadalajara, Mexico, and San José, Costa Rica, Dept. of

Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of North Texas

Assistant Professor of Spanish / Spanish Linguistics (2002-2008), Dept. of Foreign Languages and Literatures,

University of North Texas

Coordinator of First- and Second-Year Spanish (2001-2006), Dept. of Foreign Languages and Literatures,

University of North Texas




Hispanic Linguistics (Functional Syntax and Semantics)

Applied Linguistics (Second Language Acquisition, Foreign Language Instruction and Pedagogy)



Research Interests:


Functional Syntax and Semantics

Construction Grammar

Cognitive Linguistics

Second Language Acquisition

Foreign Language Instruction/Pedagogy


Other Links:


Department of Linguistics

Construction Grammar





Description: Description: Functional approaches to spanish syntax

Functional approaches to Spanish syntax: Lexical semantics, discourse, and transitivity (co-edited with J. Clancy Clements). London: Palgrave-Macmillan (2006)



Research / Selected Publications



Jiyoung Yoon. 2007. Small clauses in Spanish: The semantics of transitivity. Munich: LINCOM publisher. 183 pages.


Clements, J. Clancy and Jiyoung Yoon (eds). 2006. Functional Approaches to Spanish Syntax: Lexical Semantics, Discourse, and Transitivity. New York / London: Palgrave Macmillan. xiv + 305 pages.




Articles/Book Chapters


Yoon, Jiyoung. Revision submitted. Comprehending and creating novel verb-noun compounds in Spanish: the role of constructional meanings. Construction Grammar Approaches to Romance Languages, ed. by Francisco Gonzálvez-García & Hans Boas. John Benjamins Publishing Company.


Yoon, Jiyoung. 2011. Productivity of Spanish verb-noun compounds: patterns of metonymy and metaphor. Review of Cognitive Linguistics 9.1.83-106. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.


Yoon, Jiyoung. 2009. The role of abstraction in syntax: from a functionalist perspective. Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics 2.1.221-237. Minneapolis: University of Minnesosta.


Yoon, Jiyoung. 2009. Constructional meanings of verb-noun compounds in Spanish: limpiabotas vs. tientaparedes. Language Sciences 31.507-530. Amsterdam: Elsevier. .


Yoon, Jiyoung. 2006. Juan salió contento: Semantic constraints on small clauses in adjunct position. Functional Approaches to Spanish Syntax: Lexical Semantics, Discourse and Transitivity, ed. by J. Clancy Clements and Jiyoung Yoon, 265-277. New York / London: Palgrave Macmillan.


Clements, J. Clancy and Jiyoung Yoon. 2006. Introduction. Functional Approaches to Spanish Syntax: Lexical Semantics, Discourse and Transitivity, ed. by J. Clancy Clements and Jiyoung Yoon, 1-6. New York / London: Palgrave Macmillan.


Yoon, Jiyoung. 2004 (actually publ. 2005). Las técnicas de INDIVIDUACION e IDENTIFICACION en coreano y español: Análisis contrastivo. Función. Vols. 21-24: 279-337.


Yoon, Jiyoung. 2004. Infinitival complement constructions in Spanish: A Construction Grammar approach. Contemporary Approaches to Romance Linguistics. Selected Papers from the 33rd Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL) (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 258), ed. by Julie Auger, J. Clancy Clements, and Barbara Vance, 381-397. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.


Endo, Yoshio, Yoshihisa Kitagawa, and Jiyoung Yoon. 2000. Smaller clauses. Proceedings of the Second GLOW (Generative Linguistics in the Old World) in Asia: 73-95.



Current Projects


Constructions of language: Comprehending and creating verb-noun compounds in Spanish (book monograph)


Construction Grammar beyond English: Current corpus-based approaches (co-edited volume with Stefan Th. Gries)


Processing novel verb-noun compounds in Costa Rican Spanish (article)


Learning verb-noun compounds in Spanish as a foreign language (article)


Infinitival complement constructions in Spanish presses (article)


Infinitival complements in Spanish: Problems with Spanish textbook explanations (article)



Workshop Organized


“Construction Grammar beyond English: Observational and experimental approaches”. Co-organizer (with Stefan Th. Gries) of the

            workshop at the 44th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Universidad de la Rioja, Spain (September, 2011)


Selected Recent Conference Presentations


“A corpus-based study of infinitival complement constructions in Spanish” (Jiyoung Yoon & Stefanie Wulff), presented at a workshop

Construction Grammar beyond English: observational and experimental approaches (at the 44th Annual Meeting of the Societas

Linguistica Europaea, 2011)


“Data in Construction Grammar (introduction)” (Jiyoung Yoon & Stefan Th. Gries), presented at a workshop

Construction Grammar beyond English: observational and experimental approaches (at the 44th Annual Meeting of the Societas

Linguistica Europaea, 2011)


The semantics of metaphorical and metonymical compounds in Spanish”, poster presented at the Hispanic Linguistics Symposium

In Bloomington, Indiana (2010)


“The role of metonymy and metaphor in Spanish verb-noun compounds”, poster presented at the Conceptual structure, discourse,

and language conference (CSDL) in San Diego, CA (2010)


            Productivity of Spanish verb-noun compounds: patterns of metonymy and metaphor”, presented at the 1st International Conference

            Figurative Language Learning and Figurative Language Use: Theoy and Applications. (2009)


“The semantics of infinitival complementation in Spanish: A cognitive-constructional account”, Presented at LASSO (2009)


“Creative verb-noun compounds in Spanish: A cognitive perspective”, presented at the MLA (Modern Language Association) (2008)


“Comprehending and creating novel verb-noun compounds in Spanish: The role of constructional meanings”, presented at the 5th

International Construction Grammar Conference (2008)



Classes taught


            Graduate courses: Spanish Linguistics, Advanced Spanish Grammar, Spanish Syntax and Morphology, History of the Spanish Language,

                        Methods of Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language

            Undergraduate courses: Linguistic Structures of Spanish, Spanish Phonetics and Pronunciation, Advanced Spanish Grammar, Advanced

                        Spanish Composition and Oral Practice I / II, Acquisition of Spanish as a Second Language, Elementary Spanish, Intermediate Spanish